Monday, November 3, 2008



Dustin Potter said...

Really nice work! I'd like to see a more frightening ending, but your concept was great and your editing was really great!

Austin Luther said...

great work, the editing was superb and the story wasn't shabby either. But I agree with Dustin, it could have been more frightening

jacqueline quebec said...

The video was great. Maybe a little more to it, but the shots were good and your actors got right into it.

ridgerat89 said...

good job with the match cuts.. i like how your movies tend to have your brothers in them and event though it halloween and "scarie"your brothers are funny.

maryann said...

I really liked it I thought that some parts were really dark. I understand that its supposed to be scary but in a couple spots it was hard to see what was going on. The editing was really good.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was interesting. you did a good job on the camera angles and match cuts. Some parts were a little dark though. but overall, great job